So, you have finally realized that you are an artist and you want to get the word out about the awesome work that you do. How do you afford the printing cost of business cards and promotional material without selling your mom's Buick without her permission (never advised)? Think outside the box and do the unexpected. I was rummaging around in our utility area and I came across old newspaper clippings that my wife's grand parents and great aunt had saved. Names and faces that meant something to them. Articles about when to clean your percolator, what to do if your cattle seemed sluggish, and the latest straw hats available for just $3.00. Marriages, deaths, and updates from the front lines of WW II. These yellowed and brittle glimpses into the past sparked my imagination. I cut a few articles and placed them on various papers I had around from other projects. I began to do some stamping and distressing and soon realized I could make some pretty amazing art and slices of history which could server two purposes. First, the vintage newsprint is re-purposed and can live free from the box in the utility room. Second, I can promote the blog by creating unique bookmarks. I could just as easily have made postcards. I made a few business cards just to see what they would look like. See for yourself. See it. Create it.
As always, hover of the slideshow and click to stop it and then use the arrows to move at your own pace if it moves too quickly. It generally does (and is beyond my control - my apologies).
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